TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR DATA ACCESS The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (hereinafter "VU")* believes that research can only deliver valuable and sound results if it meets the highest requirements of replicability and transparency. These requirements are closely linked to the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), FAIR (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability) and Open Science, which we fully endorse. We fulfil our scientific and societal responsibility by being transparent about our research, and about the methods and interests involved. We also protect people's privacy and we stand behind our ethical principles. Because this dataset contains sensitive information this dataset is only available on request and under specific conditions. If you wish to access and reuse this dataset you must submit a Data Access Request for each purpose for which you wish to use the data. An application should be submitted by an applicant from a research institute or organisation. The purpose for which you wish to use the data needs to be clearly defined. The following is a list of new research purposes for which the data may be reused: <> If your purposes do not align with the purposes listed in these terms and conditions, you can still make a request, but it will be subject to the same scrutiny. Regardless of the purposes for which you wish to use the data, there is no guarantee that access will be granted. If access is granted, the data transfer can only be initiated after an agreement is put in place. The agreement can contain arrangements on intellectual property, publications, personal data (GDPR), confidentiality, liability and so forth. The data will be made available under the conditions as set out in the agreement. The VU always retains the right to decline your request, without giving reasons. If you have any questions about these terms, you can contact the contact persons mentioned in the metadata for this dataset. * Stichting VU, maintaining Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam as a privately run university in accordance with the Higher Education and Research Act of The Netherlands ("Wet op het hoger onderwijs en wetenschappelijk onderzoek"), having its registered office at De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, registered in the Chamber of Commerce register under the number 53815211.